Urban Rescue // CCM EDM Artist Feature


Urban Rescue. Picture from urbanrescuemusic.com

Urban Rescue is a 3-man band from Los Angeles, California. Fronted by Jordan Frye, they are the first ever act to be signed to Rend Family Records, a label partnership between Irish CCM band Rend Collective and Capitol Christian Music Group. They started off as a band in 2009, releasing a few independent albums and EPs along the way whilst gaining a following. It was not until early 2016 that they released a their most notable EP titled Wild Heart with Rend Family Records and Capitol CMG. A few months later, Urban Rescue released a full-length studio album of the same title with Sparrow Records, Rend Family Records and Capitol CMG.  Continue reading

Capital Kings // CCM EDM Artist Feature


Capital Kings. Picture taken from facebook.com/capitalkings

Capital Kings is a Christian EDM act that is made up of duo Cole Walowac and Dylan Housewright. The uniqueness of their style of music, which consists of a mix of pop, electronic, hip-hop and even dubstep influences, makes them standout from the rest of the pack.

Originally, Capital Kings was made up of Cole Walowac and John White, who has since then left the band to pursue his own solo music career. Capital Kings has been around in the music industry since 2010.

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photo-1443745029291-d5c27bc0b562This week, I’ll be featuring several EDM artists on this blog. I know, you’re probably thinking, “there’s such a thing as Christian EDM?” and I’m here to tell you, yes. In fact, you’ll be surprised to know that there are quite a number of Christian EDM artists and bands out there.

I’ve listened to a few Christian EDM artists and I just love how lively and dancey their music sounds. I think EDM music in general just makes you feel that way, but Christian EDM differs in the message behind the lyrics. Continue reading